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【重要】※こちらはMac専用ですのでご注意ください。また、MacOS Sierra(10.12)以降でセーブが出来ない不具合を確認しています。こちらはダウンロード先の場所からゲームファイル(を「一度別の場所に移動させる」と解決します。お手数ですがこの手順を必ず行うようお願いします。




【Caution】the Mac version there is a problem with saving if you start the game right after downloading it. If you move the "" from the location where you downloaded it and then move it back to the original location, the path will be normalized and you will be able to save. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but please follow this procedure.


A new UNTENDO game from the makers of BENKI WARS. After two and a half years of development, our action game is finally complete! This game is a side-scrolling action RPG where you play as newbie police officer Shibakuro to solve various cases. Through seamless battles and exploring the expansive environment, you will fight the Gangs with your fellow senior officers.


  • 想定プレイ時間



  • 対応OS

    MacOS X 10.10 以降または Debian8 以降

  • 動作スペック

    Intel Core i5-6500 相当以上

  • 対応言語



  • データ量



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